Фото: DELFI Reporter
Это, пожалуй, один из самых оригинальных репортажей читателей за сегодня. Мы решили не переводить, дабы не портить стиль. Плюс, в последнем абзаце автор, в общем-то, четко объясняет все и вся. Вот что пишет нам Денис:


I happen to be in Toronto Canada during this referendum, and snapped a few pictures of the Latvian Culture Center located in Toronto, Ontario.

In the Eighties, Latvian Culture Center in Toronto was a place of gathering of the largest community of Latvians outside of Latvia. Today the center is supported mostly by Latvians who left their homeland right after the War. The center also gets very healthy funding from Canadian taxpayers - money that the center uses to ensure that Latvian language remains in existence on a territory where official languages are English and French - such things are perfectly legal and in fact are encouraged in this fine country (imagine the irony).

I voted around 2 PM and activity was quite low. We waited for maybe a couple of minutes and I did not see any lineups.

Voting seemed to have been well organized, there were no slogans or active campaigns in support of either side, voting bins seemed to have been sealed, instructions were posted. Ballots were being served by 4 administrators when I was in the room.

Weather was overcast with occasional flurries, but very very warm for a February in Canada. No excuses not to vote!

BEST PART OF THE DAY: see pictures; Latvian Culture Center caters traditional Latvian food, which is missed dearly away from homeland. Not quite "Lido", but we'll take what we can get.

P.S. Мог написать и по-русски, и по-латышски, но ни той, ни другой клавиатуры нет (этот текст был на транслите - Прим. DELFI). Да и по большому счету в глобализованном мире не вижу необходимости ни руском, ни в латышском языках".

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